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  • Writer's pictureEric Pan

Mar 12 - Design Doc ver 2.

Project Name: Survival Countdown

Team Name: Teamwork Overloaded

Team Member Roles

Name: Jianghui (David) Dai Role: Programmer & QA

Name: Lily Li Role: Concept & Visual Artist

Name: Andrew Tsui Role: Model Designer

Name: Teng Pin (Eric) Pan Role: Project Manager & Level Design


Trapped on an island as a lone survivor of a catastrophe, do what you must to survive until rescue comes! Explore the island, gather resources, crafting tools, and fight off predators. It is up to you whether you will last till the rescue arrives.

Survival Countdown is a low-poly first-person survival & crafting game, dedicated to provide experiences of surviving in the wildness.

Goal of Project/Differentiator

The goal of Survival Countdown is to immerse the player into a primal environment in which the players will experience the fundamental needs of survival. Survival games such as Raft require the player to survive for as long as possible without presenting a clear goal or win condition.But on the other hand, Survival Countdown provides the player with a clear win condition of surviving for seven in game days, and do what they must to last until rescue comes.


First person survival exploration game.

Concept Art

Concept Image

Figure 1. Screenshot of the art style out game presents

Survival Countdown designed with a low-poly, cartoon-ish art style (Figure 1). The reason for using this art style is because it reduces the amount time and resources required to create it. This will free up a significant amount of time from environment polishing to perfecting the mechanism. Though the non-realistic art style will definitely remove some immersiveness from the game, it is far more important to have a robust system (survival and crafting etc.) as that will impact the gameplay experience the most.


The game draws inspiration from multiple existing games.These includes survival games like The Forest, and Raft; as well as Sandbox games with survival mode such as Minecraft. These games vary from visual design to core gameplay mechanics. But they all present a robust survival system in combination with crafting systems.

Figure 2. Raft ingame screenshot. Cartoonish art style survival game.
Figure 3. Minecraft ingame screenshot. Pixelated art style sandbox survival game.

How these games integrate these mechanics are what inspired Survival Countdown. For instance, Raft and Minecraft are both survival games that do not use photo-realistic graphics. Yet both games deliver the survival experience players are looking for with the game systems. It follows Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs to create the immersiveness of surviving in the wild

Core User Experience

Target Core Experience

The core experience in Survival Countdown is based on the fundamental level of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, the physiological needs (food, water, shelter, and warmth etc.). Players are thrown into the most primal state of living in which the most basic human needs are luxuries. They would experience the struggle to survive and isolation from civilization for seven ingame days.

During Gameplay

Throughout the game, players are constantly asked to think twice. For every action the player makes, comes with a consequence. Thus, under the pressure of surviving, the players should feel like they never have enough time and resources on hand. They are constantly motivated (forced) to consider their next step to increase their chance of surviving.

After Gameplay

Whether or not the players beat the game, they should feel the uneasiness of surviving alone in the wilderness away from civilization after playing Survival Countdown. As well as the importance of the “common senses” (convenient and stable source of food, water, shelters etc.) in modern living.

Key Features

Survive - Hunger, dehydration, food poisoning, and predators are all your enemies! Experience the struggle of surviving in a primal environment.

Gather - Stones and wood are the materials for primal technology! Fruits and herbs will ensure you stay alive and healthy!

Craft - Spear, axe, and fire pit are your friends! Play smart to increase your chance of living!


Figure 4. Ingame screenshot with UIs

Survival Countdown is a survival and exploration game, you as a player needs to survive on a primitive island after an airplane crash. After you have successfully survived for 7 days on the isolated island, the rescue team will come to rescue the player character. Throughout the game, you will search and collect essential resources to survive until rescue. This includes exploring different ecosystems for different types of resources. Use the collected materials to your advantage and craft various tools to increase your chance of survival.

Narrative/Story (if applicable)

As a lone survivor of an airplane crash, you find yourself lying on the beach of a primitive island. In the attempt to stay alive against nature, you must explore around the island and find the ways to survive.


Please refer to this link.


The project is a survival game built in Unity. Its core mechanics include the collecting system, the health system, the inventory system, and the crafting system.

The health system:

Figure 5. The health status UIs in the game

This system determines whether a player can be alive in the game world or not. Every minute the player spends in the game causes the player to lose certain hunger values and dehydration values. When the hunger values or the dehydration values decrease to zero, the player character starts to lose health. If the health values reach zero, then the player dies.To keep the player character alive, the player needs to consume food and water constantly. We want to use this starving mechanism to encourage the player to explore the island to find enough food, water to consume, and we also intend to use it to create survival pressure for players while playing.

The collecting system:

This system allows the player character to collect food, water to consume. And it also allows the player character to collect all kinds of material (log, stone, etc.) to craft tools/buildings. If the player wants to interact with this system, the player character needs to collide with the objects first and then press the left mouse click to pick them up to put into the inventory for future interactions. This system connects the inventory system ,health system, and the crafting system.

The Inventory System:

This system can store the game objects the player picks up.

The Crafting System:

This system allows the player to craft essential tools and buildings to survive on the island. To toggle the crafting interface, the player needs to press the b key. The player can press number keys (1,2, 3) to select which item he wants to craft, and then the player needs to press the right mouse click to build the object. Once the object is built, the crafting item will appear in front of the player.

Immersion Framework

Supporting Immersion, flow, and/or presence

There are few factors that are important to support immersion, flow and/or presence in Survival Countdown.

  • Field of View (FOV) - In short, humans have approximately (without eyeballing) 180° forward-facing horizontal arc of their visual field. Thus, it is important to simulate a similar FOV in game that of real life.

  • Minimal or no lag - Latency (especially visual latency) will cause the player to break out of the immersion, reminding them what they are experiencing is not “real”.

  • Sensory - Visuals, auditory, and physics etc. should be logical and appropriate. If the player walks on grass, then it mustn’t sound like they are walking on stone.

  • Freedom -To be able to look anywhere, move anywhere, do plausible actions that seems reasonable.

  • Physical Comfort - Motion sickness is a thing even when it is not VR. Thus it is important to avoid at all cause

Immersion Type

The primary type of immersion Survival Countdown focuses on is Challenged-based Immersion. Players are presented with various challenges that threaten their survival.


The current plan to invoke Challenged-based Immersion are as follows…

  1. More resources requires more effort, and poses more risks. For instance, food is an important resource the player must gather to survive. But safer areas on the island have significantly less food whereas more dangerous areas will provide a more stable food source.

  2. Every action has a consequence. Moving and performing actions (gathering) costs hunger. Crafting is expensive when materials are rather scarce. Natural prey will hunt the player down if they are not careful with their pathing.


Equipment Needs

Computers with hardwares that can run Unity Engine in 3D environments.



First Person Controller. Acquired from Standard Assets at


Models / Textures

Low-Poly nature asset. Acquired from Low-Poly Simple Nature Pack at


And from Simple Low Poly Nature Pack at


Low-Poly airplane. Acquired from Simple Low-Poly Mini Airplanes at


Low-Poly in game set. Acquired from Low-Poly Game kit at


Low-Poly snow trees. Acquired from Snowy Low-Poly Trees at


Low-Poly environment. Acquired from Low-Poly pack 3D environment


The Axe model was taken from

- handpainted-axe-62794

The Log model was taken from

- wood/pbr-log-149788

The fire particles was taken from

- explosions/tinyfire-vfx-1-0-97898

The tent model was taken from

- fantasy/tent-cr-max-550-118703

VFX / Audio (SFX / BGM)

Footsteps SFX. Acquired from Standard Assets


Ambient soundtrack



Learn how to get relative height to the terrain space based on player position, then craft the item in that position based on


Learn how to set the pos in front of the player based on


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